Charles Karney: Curriculum Vitae
Positions held
Vision Technology Center,
SRI International
2011–present: Senior Computer Scientist
2000–2010: Sarnoff Corporation
2004–2010: Senior Member of Technical Staff, Vision
Technology Group
2000–2004: Technology Leader, Biotechnology Systems Group
2003–2009: Faculty Fellow,
Wilson College,
Princeton University.
1977–2000: Physicist,
Theory Division,
Plasma Physics Laboratory,
Princeton University.
1988–2000: Principal Research Physicist
1983–1988: Research Physicist
1979–1982: Research Staff
1977–1979: Research Associate
1982–2000: Teaching Faculty,
Program in Plasma Physics,
Department of Astrophysical
Princeton University.
1989–2000: Lecturer with the rank of Professor
1984–1989: Lecturer with the rank of Associate Professor
1982–1984: Lecturer
1993–2000: Faculty Fellow,
Forbes College,
Princeton University.
1995: Visiting scientist (2 months),
Max-Planck-Institut für
Plasmaphysik, Garching, Germany.
1987–1990: Publications Committee,
American Physical Society.
1986: Visiting scientist (1 month),
ENEA, Frascati, Italy.
1983: Consultant (1 month),
Symbolics, Inc.,
Cambridge, Mass.
1981–1982: Visiting scientist (3 months),
University of Tokyo and
Nagoya University, Japan.
1979: Research Associate (3 months),
Research Laboratory of Electronics,
1974: Summer student, UKAEA
Culham, Culham, UK.
1971: Scientific Officer (2 months),
Cambridge East Greenland Expedition,
Roslin Glacier, Staunings Alps, Greenland.
1970: Garçon de café (2 months),
Le «Port-Royale», Paris.
1969: Laboratory Assistant (1 month), General Electric Company,
Hirst Research Centre, Wembley, UK.
1969: Factory Hand (1 month),
Oskar Karla, Vienna, Austria.
1969: Engineering Apprentice (3 months),
Swan Hunter Shipyards,
Wallsend, Northumberland, UK.
Professional societies
1972–1977: Graduate student and Fulbright scholar in the
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
MIT, working at the
Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Ph.D. (1977).
1969–1972: Scholar,
Trinity College,
Cambridge University, studying
Electrical Engineering.
Rex Moir Prize in Engineering Tripos (1971).
Institution of Electrical Engineers Prize in Engineering Tripos (1971).
BA, double first (1972).
Winchester College,
Winchester, Hampshire, UK.
1960–1964: Bramcote School,
Scarborough, Yorkshire, UK.
1956–1959: Vincent Edwards School, Embleton,
Northumberland, UK.
Charles Karney
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